In the wake of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami hundreds of Japanese children were left with only their memories.
On 11th March 2011 at 14:46 JST the east coast of Japan was struck by an undersea earthquake and subsequent tsunami. As well as the loss of life that this devastating event resulted in, hundreds of children also lost their parents and families.

Aid For Japan was founded soon after the disaster by Akemi Tanaka in the UK to support the orphans of this tragedy. The charity lends emotional and financial support to the orphans and their carers as they rebuild their lives.
Aid For Japan have staged summer residential courses in Japan with English volunteers, designed to provide a wide range of activities for the orphans to build their confidence. Today, as many of the orphans have become young adults, we offer educational and professional development opportunities for them in the UK.
We also enable and empower the survivors of the disaster to share their stories with the world via the translation of videos and raising awareness through talks.
Your donations and fundraising efforts help make a big difference to our small charity. The money raised helps us support the orphans better as we listen to their changing needs.

"On 11th March 2011 the biggest earthquake and tsunami in history struck Japan leaving at least 1,500 children as orphans.
No parents, no family, no home, no pets, no school, no nothing.
As a mother myself, living in London, my heart went out to them and I felt a strong responsibility to help.
So, to that end, I set up a new charity specifically to support these children and their education until they become adults and can fend for themselves.
They will never forget what happened but, with the help of our kind volunteers, we are working hard to bring some normality back into their lives.
A mother's love and a family’s warmth are incomparable – that is why we are doing our best.
We hope you feel the same."